Want to know what happens on a film set?
Maybe you have been in the industry for a while without a lot of success to date?
It might simply be that your lack of knowledge in working on a functioning
film and TV set is limiting your opportunities in this exciting industry.
Or maybe you're just plain nervous about doing the wrong thing on the day!
The only way to defeat these common ailments of any potential performer is through knowledge and experience.
“Set Secrets” is the culmination of 100 credits and over 40 years experience in the film and TV industry.
Designed by Bud Hopes (Extras Casting Director) and Michael Bate (Assistant Director), this workshop is constructed around the practical functioning of a film set.
It is designed to help the performer understand the workings of a functioning set so as to create further opportunities through knowledge, understanding; and above all a good performance. This workshop will not teach you how to will teach you how to be a great performer.
This 4 hour Workshop is the only of its kind offered in Queensland and is aimed at performers who are at an entry level or people that are looking to graduate to featured extra and small speaking roles.
The Business of Casting
We will take you through the casting process and supply tips and actions that will improve your chances of being on set.
Set Structure
Understand what exists in a working environment. Who are the people everywhere and what do they do? What happens when I arrive at the Set? What do I take?
We will advise you on what questions to ask.
Role Structure
Identify your role and uncover all the things you need to make yourself a successful performer on the day. We will guide you through the day and identify moments that are critical to you success.